Bukiet Big Rose Love

Bukiet Big Rose Love

The Big Love bouquet will express the warmest feelings! Both for you and for the Lord!

Bouquet of pink roses. The bouquet is decorated with high-quality, elegant powder pink paper. The bouquet is tied with a beautiful bow. A bouquet with flowers arranged in a circle is characterized by a compact arrangement of flowers. The photo shows a bouquet of 100 roses.

Available in five variants:

20 roses
35 roses
50 roses
75 roses
100 roses
We also accept orders for a specific number of roses, in which case please contact us by phone or e-mail, we will calculate the cost of the bouquet individually.

Price 240,00 1199,00 

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Internet florist

from Katowice

Are you looking for the most beautiful floral decorations for a wedding ? Are you tired of the fruitless search for a suitable florist ? Are you looking for a bouquet that suits you and your wedding dress? You are in the right place! In addition to decoration of the hall and church on the most beautiful day of her life, our florist from Katowice Madlen offers, among others, original flower arrangements, occasional gifts, as well as a garden in a jar. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the wide range of living decorations.

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