Bukiet Wybór Florysty
Bouquet to be chosen by the florist!
Can’t decide which bouquet to choose? Trust us and we will prepare a bouquet of your choice. If you wish flowers in a specific color or style, please enter all the information in the remarks field at the next stage of the order. A good tip for us will also be to mark in the comments for which occasion to choose flowers, female or male, more traditional or modern. The bouquet will be decorated with matte foil papers matched to the color of the flowers.
The flowers in the mix are selected in accordance with the seasonality, so that they are always fresh and of the highest quality. Please put any comments regarding the type of flowers in the “Comments” field when placing the order.
The dimensions of the bouquets are about 40 – 60 cm high and 40 – 50 cm wide. The sizes differ in the number of flowers. The larger the amount allocated to the bouquet, the more flowers it contains.
Internet florist
from KatowiceAre you looking for the most beautiful floral decorations for a wedding ? Are you tired of the fruitless search for a suitable florist ? Are you looking for a bouquet that suits you and your wedding dress? You are in the right place! In addition to decoration of the hall and church on the most beautiful day of her life, our florist from Katowice Madlen offers, among others, original flower arrangements, occasional gifts, as well as a garden in a jar. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the wide range of living decorations.